Administrative acts to the Civil Registry and Identification Service
Administrative Act | Date | Document |
Administrative Act No. 17.379Communicates the effective date of the Residencia Temporal and Residencia Definitiva permits. |
APR-20-2022 | |
Administrative Act No. 19.220Communicates the documents to apply for Cédula de Identidad (Chilean ID). |
APR-28-2022 | |
Administrative Act No. 23.268Communicates new notification format for the granting of Residencia Definitiva permit by email. |
MAY-10-2022 | |
Administrative Act No. 31.133Complements the administrative acts No. 17.379 and No. 1922. |
JUN-08-2022 | |
Administrative Act No. 40.626Informs about the calculation of term established in Article 43 of Law No. 21.325 of Migración y Extranjería, for the application of Chilean ID for temporary and permanent residents. |
JUL-15-2022 | |
Administrative Act No. 48.351Attaches samples of the Exempt Resolutions mentioned in Administrative Act No. 17.379 and No. 23.268. |
AUG-19-2022 |
Administrative acts to the Excma. Corte Suprema (Chilean Supreme Court of Justice)
Administrative Act | Date | Document |
Ordinary Administrative Act No. 80.585About the validity of the Cédula de Identidad (Chilean ID). It requests the issuance of instructions and/or an order to comply with the provisions of Article 43, final paragraph, of Law No. 21.325 and other related provisions of the new Ley de Migración y Extranjería, with respect to notaries, conservators and archivists. |
DEC-29-2022 |
Administrative acts to the Superintendencia de Salud (Chilean Health Agency)
Administrative Act | Date | Document |
Ordinary Administrative Act No. 80.586About the validity of the Chilean ID. It requests the issuance of instructions and/or an order to comply with the provisions of Article 43, final paragraph, of Law No. 21.325 and other related provisions of the new Law of Migración y Extranjería, with respect to providers, insurance companies, funds and institutions that participate in all social security health systems. |
DEC-29-2022 |
Administrative acts to the Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF)
Administrative Act | Date | Document |
Ordinary Administrative Act No. 67.130It requests the issuance of instructions and/or an order to comply with the provisions of Article 43, final paragraph, of Law No. 21.325 and other related provisions of the new Law of Migración y Extranjería, with respect to banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, and other market agents under its supervision. |
NOV-07-2022 |