Niñez Migrante program

Logotipo Programa Niñez Migrante

Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG) provides guidance to children and adolescents

In order to comply with the principle of the best interest of the child or adolescent as set forth in Law No. 21. 325 of Migración y Extranjería, the SERMIG establishes the Mediation Initiative on Children and Adolescents, in its internal structure, which is in charge of the Programa Niñez Migrante, whose objective is:

“To develop strategies aimed at promoting migration regularity from a rights-based approach, favoring the social inclusion of migrant children and adolescents in Chilean society”, acting in coordination with other State agencies nationwide.

Immigration regularization day

Residencia Temporal permit for children and adolescents

Decree No. 177 of 2022 of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, states the humanitarian reasons that will be considered to grant a residence permit in Chile, including the situation of Children and Adolescents (NNA) in Chile.

Which are the rights of children and adolescents in mobility situation in Chile?


Guaranteed free access to public health care.

According to the Art. 15 of Law No. 21 325. For more information, please check the Política de Salud de Migrantes Internacionales (spanish only).


Guaranteed free access to preschool, elementary and secondary education.

According to the Art. 17 of Law No. 21 325. For more information, please check the Política Nacional de Estudiantes Extranjeros 2018-2022 (spanish only).


Guaranteed access to specialized protection systems for children and adolescents.

According to the Art. 8 of Law No. 21 430.

Useful information

Institutional agreements on children and adolescents

In order to better identify foreign youth residing in Chile and who have been admitted by a court with criminal jurisdiction to centers or programs run by the SENAME or any of its collaborating agencies, both Servicios will coordinate their efforts to regularize the immigration status in the country of foreign nationals and protect their rights.

To ease the process of applying for residence permits, SENAME officials have access to the SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales, through which the necessary documentation must be submitted to obtain the residence permit, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 21 325 of Migración y Extranjería and Decree No. 177 of 2022, which establishes the subcategories of Residencia Temporal.

To maintain reciprocal collaboration between SERMIG and the Servicio Nacional de Protección Especializada a la Niñez y Adolescencia - Mejor Niñez (SPE), a collaboration agreement is in force where it is stated that, if possible, the SPE will take institutional measures, to ease the timely entry into the specialized social protection system for children and adolescents of immigrant and/or refugee families whose rights have been violated or who have broken the law, regardless of the immigration status of the children and adolescents or their family members.

Aiming to simplify the residence permit application process, SPE officials have access to the SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales, where the required documentation must be submitted to obtain the residence permit in accordance with Law No. 21. 325 of Migración y Extranjería and Decree No. 177 of 2022, which establishes the migratory subcategories of Residencia Temporal, particularly that for humanitarian reasons for children and adolescents who are not accompanied by their parent or guardian in the country, among other violations.

Sites of interest

Institution focused on the area of juvenile justice and reintegration, responsible for the care of adolescents and young people who have been in conflict with the law between the ages of 14 and 17, and who have been charged or convicted, through timely, relevant and quality interventions within the framework of respect for their fundamental rights.

Public institution responsible for the dissemination, promotion and protection of human rights of all children and adolescents living in the national territory.

A public institution whose mission is to “protect and restore the human rights of children, adolescents and young people whose rights have been seriously threatened or violated, putting them at the center of our actions, guaranteeing their participation and that of their families, strengthening their comprehensive development, repairing and resignifying the damage, preventing new violations in a timely manner through technical teams of excellence and specialized programs according to their needs, coordinated with the intersector and calling on society as a whole”.

Ministry that has programs aimed at children and adolescents.

In addition, its institutional framework includes the Oficinas Locales de la Niñez  and the Subsecretaría de la Niñez.


Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: