Sello Migrante

Logotipo de Sello Migrante

The Sello Migrante (Migrant Seal) is an initiative of the Department of Inclusion that seeks to strengthen the institutions of local governments in terms of inclusion, interculturality and access to rights of migrants and refugees, through the management and execution of activities, actions and projects with regional perspective, collaborative and networked with other internal areas of the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG) and related external institutions.

Which commitments do the municipalities make when they obtain the Sello Migrante?

By signing the Carta de Compromiso (Letter of Commitment), through their Mayor and Municipal Council, municipalities officially undertake the commitment to obtain and maintain the Sello Migrante issued by SERMIG. This implies:

The Sello Migrante requires either a designated person or municipal structure to lead the work with migrants and refugees, which entails at least:

  • Creating or strengthening community institutions in charge of leading the efforts towards the migrant and refugee population.
  • Devising, developing and evaluating the Municipal Work Plan to obtain and consolidate the Sello Migrante.
  • Monitoring and analyzing the processes of attention to the migrant public by the municipal services, in order to standardize them with a focus on rights.
  • Providing relevant and timely information for foreigners in the commune.

The change towards a culture of welcome, hospitality and non-discrimination is a process that requires the design, implementation and evaluation of a Community Training Plan for its employees, which is expected from the municipalities:

  • Training "municipal coaches" who will be the main actors in the development of the Community Training Plan.
  • Keeping a record of personnel who have undergone these sensitization and training processes.
  • Assessing the workshops given to its employees.

This requirement aims to ensure that municipal policies, plans and programs have a focus or perspective on the protection of the rights of migrants in their design, implementation, evaluation and public accounting, which entails:

  • Promoting the generation of inclusive local social policies in the areas of housing, labor and education.
  • Encouraging inclusion in the design of community policies of the proposals made by the Consejo de Política Migratoria (Migration Policy Council).

Migratory regularity allows migrants and refugees to better integrate into the society that receives them. Therefore, the municipality must have programs to support regularization.

The recognition of intermediate groups is established in Article 1 of our Constitution, so obtaining the Sello Migrante is intended to help forming intermediate groups comprised of migrants. That said, the municipalities must:

  • Encouraging the possibility of association.
  • Include migrant organizations in local decision making.
  • Providing information related to citizen participation and the exercise of political rights of migrants.

Adhering, certified and revalidated municipalities

* Information in Spanish only.
Sello Migrante

Región de Aysén

Municipalidad Estado
Chile Chico Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de La Araucanía

Municipalidad Estado
Angol Adherido
Collipulli Adherido
Galvarino Adherido
Pucón Adherido
Temuco Otorgado
Sello Migrante

Región Metropolitana

Municipalidad Estado
Buin Otorgado
Cerrillos Adherido
Cerro Navia Otorgado
Colina Otorgado
Conchalí Adherido
El Bosque Adherido
Estación Central Revalidado
Huechuraba Revalidado
Independencia Otorgado
La Cisterna Adherido
La Florida Otorgado
La Granja Adherido
La Pintana Otorgado
La Reina Revalidado
Lampa Adherido
Lo Espejo Adherido
Lo Prado Revalidado
Macul Revalidado
Maipú Revalidado
Melipilla Adherido
Ñuñoa Adherido
Padre Hurtado Adherido
Pedro Aguirre Cerda Adherido
Peñalolén Revalidado
Providencia Otorgado
Pudahuel Adherido
Puente Alto Otorgado
Quilicura Revalidado
Quinta Normal Adherido
Recoleta Otorgado
Renca Otorgado
San Bernardo Otorgado
San Joaquín Adherido
San Miguel Otorgado
San Ramón Adherido
Santiago Revalidado
Til Til Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Arica y Parinacota

Municipalidad Estado
Arica Otorgado
Sello Migrante

Región de Tarapacá

Municipalidad Estado
Alto Hospicio Adherido
Iquique Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Antofagasta

Municipalidad Estado
Antofagasta Revalidado
María Elena Adherido
Ollagüe Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Atacama

Municipalidad Estado
Alto del Carmen Adherido
Caldera Adherido
Copiapó Otorgado
Diego de Almagro Adherido
Freirina Adherido
Huasco Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Coquimbo

Municipalidad Estado
Coquimbo Revalidado
La Serena Revalidado
Monte Patria Adherido
Ovalle Adherido
Punitaqui Adherido
Salamanca Otorgado
Vicuña Revalidado
Sello Migrante

Región de Valparaíso

Municipalidad Estado
Cabildo Adherido
Calle Larga Adherido
Cartagena Revalidado
Casablanca Otorgado
Catemu Adherido
Concón Adherido
El Quisco Otorgado
El Tabo Adherido
Hijuelas Adherido
Juan Fernández Adherido
La Calera Adherido
Llay-Llay Adherido
Los Andes Otorgado
Olmué Adherido
Panquehue Adherido
Petorca Otorgado
Punchuncaví Adherido
Putaendo Adherido
Quillota Otorgado
Quilpué Adherido
Quintero Adherido
San Antonio Revalidado
San Esteban Adherido
San Felipe Otorgado
Santa María Adherido
Valparaíso Revalidado
Villa Alemana Otorgado
Viña del Mar Otorgado
Zapallar Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de O'Higgins

Municipalidad Estado
Chimbarongo Otorgado
Codegua Adherido
Coltauco Adherido
Graneros Adherido
Las Cabras Adherido
Machalí Adherido
Mostazal Adherido
Nancagua Adherido
Palmilla Adherido
Paredones Adherido
Placilla Adherido
Rancagua Otorgado
Rengo Adherido
Requinoa Adherido
San Vicente de Tagua Tagua Adherido
Santa Cruz Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región del Maule

Municipalidad Estado
Cauquenes Adherido
Curicó Otorgado
Linares Revalidado
Molina Adherido
San Javier Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Ñuble

Municipalidad Estado
Chillán Otorgado
Quillón Adherido
Quirihue Adherido
San Carlos Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región del Biobío

Municipalidad Estado
Arauco Adherido
Cabrero Adherido
Cañete Adherido
Concepción Otorgado
Curanilahue Otorgado
Hualpén Adherido
Hualqui Adherido
Laja Adherido
Los Ángeles Otorgado
San Pedro de la Paz Adherido
Talcahuano Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Los Ríos

Municipalidad Estado
La Unión Adherido
Lanco Adherido
Los Lagos Adherido
Máfil Adherido
Paillaco Adherido
Panguipulli Adherido
Valdivia Otorgado
Sello Migrante

Región de Los Lagos

Municipalidad Estado
Ancud Adherido
Calbuco Adherido
Castro Adherido
Chaitén Adherido
Curaco de Vélez Adherido
Frutillar Adherido
Llanquihue Adherido
Los Muermos Adherido
Maullín Adherido
Osorno Adherido
Palena Adherido
Puerto Montt Adherido
Puerto Varas Otorgado
Purranque Adherido
Quellón Adherido
Quinchao Adherido
Sello Migrante

Región de Magallanes y de La Antártica Chilena

Municipalidad Estado
Puerto Natales Otorgado

Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: