Official residents completing their mission


Who is this permit intended for?

Grupo de diplomáticos

This subcategory is aimed at those official residents who have completed their duties in a mission recognized by the Chilean State. This permit, granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expires thirty days after the end of the official missions carried out in the country.

Before this period expires, the official resident may request a Permanencia Transitoria for former official residents as holder or dependent.

The Permanencia Transitoria permit shall be valid for a period of up to 90 calendar days, which may be extended. The above is without prejudice to the provisions of Sections 64 and 65 of Law No. 21.325, referring to the change of immigration category of official residents and dependents, respectively.

Where can I apply for this Permanencia Transitoria permit?

This permit will be granted automatically if the person is a national of a country that does not require prior authorization or visa. It will come into force once the official residence has expired.

The application must be made by logging in with the account created by the applicant for these purposes or with ClaveÚnica, in the Portal de Trámites Digitales of Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG) by entering to “Permanencia Transitoria para Ex-Residentes Oficiales“.

Is prior a previous authorization or visa to obtain a Permanencia Transitoria once the Residencia Oficial has expired?

If you are a national of a country to which Chile requires prior authorization or visa, you must apply for such document under the conditions of Art. 27 of Law No. 21.325 of Migraciones y Extranjería.

If the interested person applies for it without having left the national territory at the end of their Residencia Oficial, they may request the authorization at the Dirección General de Asuntos Consulares of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Without prejudice to the requirements established for each subcategory, if you enter Chile as a Permanencia Transitoria holder, you will have to certify your lawful means of livelihood that will allow you to remain in the country.

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Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: