What does the change of subcategory or status of Residencia Temporal involve?
During their residence, foreigners who have a Residencia Temporal permit may request a change of immigration subcategory, as well as a change of status of holder or dependent.
Where can I request a change of subcategory or status?
This application must be made from within Chile, by logging in with ClaveÚnica or with the account created by the applicant for this purpose, in the Portal de Trámites Digitales of Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG).
* Only available from within Chile.
Requirements and information
Documentation required
- Identification sheet of the passport or identity card.
- Estampado Electrónico of the residence permit or Consular Visa (must include the passport page with the stamp of entry to the country).
- Cédula de Identidad issued by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación.
- Certificate of criminal record or its equivalent document issued by the competent authority of their country of origin or the country in which they have resided in the last 5 years (required to applicants over 18 years old).
- Recent photo:
- In color, with a white background.
- Looking directly at the camera, covering the entire face, with a neutral expression and open eyes.
- Do not wear accessories such as glasses or a hat.
- It must be taken on a current date, as close as possible to the time of application.
- Upload to the platform in JPG or PNG format.
In addition to the general documentation, you must attach the documents corresponding to the immigration subcategory of Residencia Temporal to which you are applying.
In which cases can I request a change of subcategory or status of Residencia Temporal?
- If you are a holder of a Residencia Temporal permit, you may apply for a change of subcategory, complying with the conditions and requirements defined by Decree 177 of 2022 of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security for the specific subcategory to which you wish to apply.
- If you are a dependent of a person who have a Residencia Temporal permit, you may also apply for a change of status, complying with the requirements established for the specific subcategory to which you wish to apply.
What is the deadline to apply for a change of subcategory or permit holder status?
The referred application must be made before the expiration of the deadlines to apply for the extension of Residencia Temporal permit. That is to say, you must request the change of subcategory no more than ninety days before the expiry date of the same.
Who can apply for a change of immigration category?
- Holders of Residencia Oficial: Official residents who have completed their official missions, and provided that they have completed a period equal to or greater than one year in this capacity, may apply for any other residence permit under the same conditions as other foreigners.
- Dependents of an official resident: Official residents with dependent status may apply to obtain any other residence permit under the same conditions as other foreigners.
- Documents issued in any language other than Spanish and English must be submitted together with their respective translation, which must be authorized by a certified body.
- All documents issued abroad or by the respective consular representation in Chile must be apostilled or duly legalized, as stipulated in Articles 345 and 345 bis of the Code of Civil Procedure.
- Documents issued by private parties must be submitted within 30 days from the date of issuance.
- Those issued by public institutions and agencies must be presented within 60 days from the date of issuance unless the validity of the document is expressly stated.
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