What is the rectification of a Residencia Temporal granted?
It allows to request the correction of erroneous data in the Estampado Electrónico, to people who have been granted a Residencia Temporal permit and at the time of verifying their information in said document, are in one of the following situations:
- They need to change their immigration subcategory, and/or
- They need to change the status of the residence granted (owner to dependent or vice versa), and/or
- They need to change the terms of the residence granted, and/or
- They need to change the number of the stamp and/or
- They identify an inconsistency in their personal data such as names, surnames, nationality, and/or date of birth. For this particular case, the rectification can be requested with the stamp downloaded or un-downloaded.
As of December 13th of 2024, rectification requests must be made exclusively digitally.
Where do I apply for this rectification?
To apply for the rectification of Temporary Residence granted, you have two options:
- Request it directly on the Digital Procedures Portal, entering with your password to the option “Rectificación de Residencia Temporal otorgada”.
* Spanish only.
- When SERMIG grants your Temporary Residence, go to your inbox in the Procedures Portal, look for your application ID and press the “Realizar” button.
Once inside the procedure, you will see the Estampado Electrónico. If you detect any error in the information, select the option: “No confirmo. El documento presenta errores y/o quiero rectificar datos” (I do not confirm. The document has errors and/or I want to rectify the data).
Then, indicate the data you need to rectify:

Documents required
If you are going to rectify your subcategory or if you are going to change from holder to dependent status or viceversa, you must attach the specific documentation, complying with the respective legalization and validity at the time of presentation.
- Documents issued in any language other than Spanish and English must be submitted together with their respective translation, which must be authorized by a certified body.
- All documents issued abroad or by the respective consular representation in Chile must be apostilled or duly legalized, as stipulated in Articles 345 and 345 bis of the Code of Civil Procedure.
- Documents issued by private parties must be submitted within 30 days from the date of issuance.
- Those issued by public institutions and agencies must be presented within 60 days from the date of issuance unless the validity of the document is expressly stated.
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