- 15 January, 2022
- Temporary Residence
- 4 March, 2025
- Temporary Residence
Subcategory of Residencia Temporal for specialized technicians, legal representatives and senior managers in an established company, or who want to invest in Chile.
Subcategory of Residencia Temporal for specialized technicians, legal representatives and senior managers in an established company, or who want to invest in Chile.
Subcategory of Residencia Temporal permit for persons who have had their Residencia Definitiva permit tacitly revoked, or according to the previous law, their Permanencia Definitiva.
Subcategory of Residencia Temporal permit for those who receive a retirement pension in their country of origin, income from real estate ownership or financial assets.
Subcategory of Residencia Temporal for persons under medical treatment that must be initiated or continued at health care providers accredited by the Superintendencia de Salud (Chilean Health Agency) and with address in Chile.
It is a permit for foreigners who belong to a religious entity legally constituted in Chile and who need to remain in the country for reasons directly related to the exercise of the cult in question.
It is a permit for nationals or residents, as the case may be, of those States parties to international agreements entered into by Chile and which are in force, by virtue of which such persons must be authorized to reside in the country.
The Residencia Temporal permit for humanitarian reasons in Chile, is a permit that can be granted to those persons who are victims of violence or vulnerability, among other reasons.
This permit may be granted to foreign persons who are in Chile or must move to the national territory by order of Chilean Tribunales de Justicia, as long as it is necessary in the judgement of the latter for the proper development of the judicial process in which they are a party.
This subcategory of Residencia Temporal may be granted to foreign persons who are under the authority, control, and surveillance of Gendarmería de Chile by reason of being under probation, pretrial detention, serving a substitute sentence or effective sentence.
This permit is for foreigners who intend to enter Chile to perform specific seasonal duties once or for limited or interannual periods, either with an employment contract with a natural or legal person, or with a formal job offer (for nationals of countries with which the State of Chile has bilateral agreements on temporary workers).
To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.
Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!