Ratification of Residencia Temporal permit

Persona presionando un botón para iniciar trámite

What is the ratification of a Residencia Temporal permit?

It is an application for people who were granted a Residencia Temporal permit within Chile, have not materialized the benefit, and want to reactivate the process. The possible reasons for non-materialization are:

  • Due to non-payment of Residencia Temporal permit.
  • Due to failure to download the Estampado Electrónico within the indicated term.
  • Due to the expiration of the terms of the Residencia Temporal permit extension granted.
  • Due to the expiration of the term for permits granted as a dependent.

Where do I apply for the ratification of a Residencia Temporal permit?

Since June 16, 2023, to apply for the ratification, you must enter the Portal de Trámites Digitales of the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones, log in with your Clave Única or Login account, and then select the procedure “Ratificación de Residencia Temporal Otorgada“.

How can I apply for a ratification?

Check the instructions in the following spanish only guide:


  1. Identification document, legible and that allows certifying the identity of the applicant.
  2. Certificate of criminal record from the country of origin, duly legalized or apostilled, as appropriate.
  3. Letter explaining the reasons why the benefit initially granted has not materialized. The document must be submitted in original with the applicant's signature notarized.
  4. Document that certifies that the applicant meets the requirements for the granted residence:
    • In the case of professional or technical temporary residents (previous legislation):
      • Employment contract signed by employee and employer before a notary public, or otherwise, labor offer legalized by the offeror before a public notary. Both documents must be submitted in original.
    • In the case of MERCOSUR temporary residents:
      • It does not require any additional documents other than those mentioned above.
    • In the case of temporary residents who have a family bond with a permanent resident:
      • A document that certifies the relationship of the mother, father, child, or spouse with the person who has the Residencia Definitiva. This document must be presented apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate corresponding to the country in which the document was issued and by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
      • Proof of financial support.
    • In the case of temporary residents who have a relationship with a Chilean:
      • Document certifying the relationship of mother, father, child, or spouse with the person who has Chilean nationality. If the family bond was formalized in Chile, the respective certificate issued by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación must be presented; otherwise, the document must be apostilled or legalized by the corresponding Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
      • Proof of financial support.
  1. Identification document, legible and that allows certifying the identity of the applicant.
  2. Certificate of criminal record from the country of origin, duly legalized or apostilled, as appropriate.
  3. Letter explaining the reasons why the benefit initially granted has not materialized. The document must be submitted in original with the applicant's signature notarized.
  4. Certificado de Matrícula (Certificate of Enrollment) or Alumno Regular (Regular Student certificate), issued by an educational establishment of the Chilean government or recognized by it, corresponding to the current academic year. The document must be submitted in original and notarized.
  5. Proof of financial support.
  1. Identification document, legible and that allows certifying the identity of the applicant.
  2. Certificate of criminal record from the country of origin, duly legalized or apostilled, as appropiate.
  3. Letter explaining the reasons why the benefit initially granted has not materialized. The document must be submitted in original with the applicant's signature notarized.
  4. UPDATED employment contract, signed by employee and employer before a notary public, which complies with the provisions of the Código del Trabajo (Chilean Labor Code). Read more specific requirements on the subcategory for foreigners engaged in lawful remunerated activities.


In case you have to submit your employment contract and it has been signed more than 3 months ago, you must submit a Certificate of contract validity (Certificado de vigencia de contrato) which must be signed by your employer before a notary public and submitted in original.

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Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: